It’s been over a decade since I’ve written anything here. Every bit of of this site is stale, but credit to the software, it just kept updating without me. I don’t think that a month went by over the past over 10 years where I didn’t try to convince myself that my next project would be to dust this ol’ blog off and make something of it. Here I am, over 10 years later, finally pressing publish.
What happened while I was gone? Well both comics in my last post had their careers blow up, with one still at the top, and the other back on the ground after a nasty fall. On my end there’s been failure, stasis, anxiety, injury, death, and cancer… the usual. It’s not like I don’t have things to write about so I shouldn’t be short of topics.
What’s the goal? Well, I’d like to write all the time. Not just about myself – still not comfortable on that end – but about my opinions, observations, and various ideas that come across my mind. Part of me wants to make this a far reaching site with a wide variety of topics that blends the personal with the professional, but the other part of me is convinced that will just make for an unfocused mess. We’ll see how it shakes down.
I’m less concerned with the looks and formatting this time around (you like my styling default theme?) and more focused on the writing. I still hope to make some style changes as I learn more about what I’ve been away from for the last decade.
Here’s to another decade.