
Back in Business

Oops… look who forgot to post this summer? I could spin wild yarns about being out and about and never having a moment to type. The truth is that I sat right at the computer where I type these posts, and just never bothered to log in and get cracking. Well… there was that pesky Hurricane Ike too.

Destined to join the ranks of the piled high, tattered remains of all the abandoned blogs on the Web, I decided it was time to rescue this sinking ship and change its course. Yes, I will still talk about movies and other types of media, but I can’t let that be my main focus.

Why is that you say? Because I kept slamming my head into movies that I didn’t like. Now I realize that this is my fault, but I felt like that since I had this blog, I should try and review all the recent big releases that I missed. Here’s my review – the vast majority of them sucked… except the Dark Knight.

Anyway, I realized how hard it is to continually write about things you dislike, especially when you’re not getting paid to do so. Had I been pulling in a check to watch I Am Legend, perhaps I would have never stopped posting. Let me check my funds… uh huh, see, nobody is paying me to watch this shit, so why should I waste my time.

What should you expect now? I don’t know yet. I still want to post music. I’m still going to offer reviews and suggestions on the things I come across. Will I make some political posts? Perhaps. Posts about my comfortable, yet increasingly banal existence? Maybe. This thing needs text to survive, and I need to write. Not for you, but for me. I need to write to remind myself I can get better at it. I can think quite well at the moment. My problem area is getting my fingers to put it to the page in a reasonable amount of time.

Now that I’ve posted something, I can reward myself with some NHL 09.