
Fun With Garfield

One of the great things about having an unfiltered outlet to creativity that is the Internet, is the ability for people to take something that could be considered old and stale, spin around in their head, and offer a fresh new take on it. Recently, that old fat cat Garfield has received a couple of new looks on the web.

The first twist is a surprisingly funny, if not slightly disturbing take on the old Garfield strip. In garfield Minus garfield, the creator(s) have taken the old Garfield strips and removed Garfield and Odie from the picture. What’s left are panels with a lonely Jon, with only himself to talk to.

A whole new take on the Garfield strip

The second take on Garfield goes in a bit of different direction. The crew over at Fatal Farm have created Lasagna Cat, a live-action version of Garfield. That’s right, they dress up as the characters and even throw in some special effects for good measure. What you end up with is a satirical take on the comics that falls somewhere in between low-rent kids show and a bad acid trip… and I mean that in a good way.